Clinical Trials Search Tool

Owners of University of Miami and UHealth websites can incorporate the Clinical Trials Search Tool (CTST) provided by the Office of Research Information Management. This tool allows users to search for active/enrolling clinical trials at the University of Miami. This search tool is currently active on the UHealth website:

→Clinical Trials Search Tool (CTST) 

Content can also be filtered down to relevant studies run by investigators from a specific department, facility, center, or division as available.

This tool uses content already available in University of Miami enterprise research systems. As a result, changes and formatting of the content in those systems will affect the content in the CTST. eProst, Velos eResearch, and Human Resources all contribute content in the form of protocol titles, abstracts, eligibility criteria, staff roles, study enrolling status, and contact information. is also a source of content when a study has an associated NCT number.

Therapeutic, intramurally/federally funded clinical trials or similar studies with an active/enrolling status in Velos eResearch are automatically published to the CTST. Sponsored studies that have an associated NCT number are also eligible. Some sponsor agreements restrict public disclosure of their affiliation with the institution. Investigators and study staff interested in taking advantage of this tool should work with the CRIS office as needed to make sure their study is not violating any confidentiality provision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact if I want my clinical trial to appear in the search tool?

Assuming you have checked the UHealth website to confirm that your study does not appear in the search results already AND your study is currently active/enrolling in Velos eResearch at a University of Miami affiliated clinical facility, contact for assistance.

How do I change the primary study contact for my study?

The primary study contact is the primary clinical research coordinator for the study. Make sure your protocol is up to date with any changes and the correct staff member is the primary contact in Velos.

How do I change the study contact information to a central phone number or hotline?

Typically this is done at the departmental, center, or division level. Study coordinators can transfer calls to another number. If all studies within a group need to reference a different central phone number, contact ORIM will work with your department, division, center, etc to determine an appropriate solution.

My study is active/enrolling in Velos at a UM site so why don't I see it in the tool's search results?

Typically this is done at the departmental, center, or division level. Study coordinators can transfer calls to another number. If all studies within a group need to reference a different central phone number, contact ORIM will work with your department, division, center, etc to determine an appropriate solution.

The phone number associated with the study contract is incorrect. How do I update it?

The phone numbers associated with individuals in the study result screen are taken from the human resources system for the University. Ensure that the HR system is up to date with the correct phone number. Changes should appear in the CTST within 48 hours. If you have further issues with this, contact

How do I get the posted in the tool?

If you don't have an NCT number, but CRIS has confirmed that your industry study can be promoted publicly, forward a communication from the CRIS office notifying us that it is fine to publish the study in the tool, copying the CRIS office on the message, to Your study will be published to the CTST on the UHealth site as appropriate.

My study is not yet active/enrolling. Can we post it to the UHealth site to begin collecting interest in it?

Unfortunately, we can only publish studies that are active/enrolling in Velos eResearch at this time. As soon as your study opens for accrual, contact to make sure your Velos study status is set up correctly.

Why is there a problem with the text formatting of my study's abstract, title, or elgibility criteria?

This information is taken from eProst. If text was copied and pasted from another document into eProst, it could've unintentionally added tags and other formatting, making the text difficult or awkward to read. We have put a variety of programmatic provisions in place to minimize this from being an issue, but with the wide array of formatting options and exotic characters, we cannot guarantee the quality of the presentation. The only option available is for the investigator or authorized staff member to clean up the corresponding text in eProst, removing these formatting problems. When resolved, any updates will appear in the search tool results within 24 hours. Who do I contact if I have ideas regarding making this tool better or more usable? Why doesn't my study abstract, title, and eligibility content on the CTST match what is in eProst? Who do I contact to incorporate the CTST into the website for my department, division, or center? How does the CTST tool work within a website?

Who do I contact if I have ideas regarding making this tool better or more usable?

Send an email with your ideas to and somebody will be happy to follow up with you. Ideas and improvements are always appreciated.

Why doesn't my study abstract, title, and elgibility content on the CTST match what is in eProst?

If your study has an associated (NCT) number, the CTST assumes that content was designed for public disclosure and defers to its information rather than eProst's. Update the NCT information as needed to ensure accuracy in the CTST.

Who do I contact to incorporate the CTST into the website for my department, division, or center?

Send an email to The Help Desk will open a new incident and assign your request to a project manager for follow-up. You will be contacted shortly.

How does the CTST tool work within a website?

The CTST tool uses an iframe. Subscribing sites provide a page with a frame window of specified dimensions. Once a username is established for the content, a URL is given to the subscribing site including any relevant filters, which will present the search functionality and appropriate content.

